blender zombie movie

movie! lol

So this will be like a collaborative community movie thing?
I’d like to help out :slight_smile:

go there and register everthing is posted there

the movie going to be about a man who go to get revenge on the people who change him the only thing stopping him is the if people who are help with the movie the beginning part of the movie is a the site. p.s the movie mite change over time

i don’t quite get it… lol! so the idea is that this guy is changed into a zombie, and wants to get revenge. The zombies stop him doing this? that right?

there is assain name jack. tsc and do xeprment on people can his gf who works for tsc druged him and brought him tsc. and then they injected him with something. and it made him stronger and faster. he was knocked out for 7 days then a out break happen on the people that tsc did xeperments on came back to jacks runs out the building and finds a place to hide. now he needs a plan. so his plane is to get to the main company the top dog of ever thing the only thing in his way are the zombies. lol

we’ve got someone else registered on the site, who is helping out. How’s about we do all the planning and stuff on the site, and leave this page for recruiting people?

oh ok that will work

im new to the forums but i would like to help with this project

Do you still need help? I might be able to make time to help.

ya we stell need help lol just go to the website and sigh up. for more in fo hit me up at [email protected]

if any one wants to help pls tell because i have no help at all with this movie =(

koool! this will be awesum! kant wate for the game can I make it for you pleeeez I ggod with props but i suck at texturing lolz

its a movie… and if any one want to helps tell me pls