#Blender52 Week 1 2020

Hello guys,

this is my first ever project i created on my own. I started to learn blender mid of December and while browsing the web, i stumbled upon Blender 52 challenge. I like Inktober, because it forces you to go out of your comfort zone, so the Blender52 challenge is appealing to me. I will try to keep up, my personal goal is to create at least 26 renders.
Well, for the week 1 (cartoon) i choose SpongeBob, because it looked pretty easy. It was not. I am not entirely satisfied with the hands and i know, socks are missing, but beside that, i like the rest. I totaly struggle with the lighting, well, it will be long way, blender is very complex.
Happy new year to all!

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Wishing you the best in your personal goals! I’m new to Blender as well, as I’ve only seen tutorials, but haven’t actually made anything. I hope to change that through the Blender52 Challenge as well. Best of luck!