To describe more accurately the problem, the add-on does run…
But after some time, a window pops up saying “sift.exe” is not working properly.
I have this message about “sift.exe” for every picture in the collection.
Then “bundler.exe”, then “RadialUndistort.exe”.
Thanks you so much brothermechanic , a new path to follow…from my country FRANCE !
PPT is a bad project, when you ask a question, nobody answer clearly: “Une vrai ratatouille de codes!”
Thank you for the tip, I didn’t know this photogrammetry software MicMac.
I am looking for a tool that can easily be integrated in Blender.
Micmac relies on DOS command lines. I won’t favour this kind of tool.
I’ve tried VISUALSFM. It gives satisfactory results for reconstruction but the workflow towards Blender requires meshlab as I understand :
As for BlenderSFM, examining python code, it seems the author has only built for win32 and linux.
I have a win64 computer. I’ll try to get the appropriate binaries and try my luck at modifying python source code.
Beforehand, I would like to know if anyone used this add-on successfully.
I am really using BlenderSFM on Windows.
I had a look into the python code :
it calls the win32 binaries (.exe files) that were compiled previously.
There are lots of places in the python code where win 32 or linux binaries are called.
A thorough inspection of the cod is needed and then check whether a Win64 version is needed and then try to find it/compile it.
Lots of work!!!
I will stick for a while to the workflow with VisualSFM and MeshLab.
There are not many tools in blender to get a mesh from a point cloud (only some add-ons).
MeshLab or equivalent remains necessary.
How to get sfm mesh + cameras in blender?
Micmac can generate bundler scene by itself, but it dont work for me.
And i found only way to transfer cameras is importing MLP meshlab project file to blender (or conversion it to anu supported format)
Can somebody write any helpful scripts?
ps: another small problem is loosing vertex color in points cloud
I’ve wrote an addon that allows to import results from VisualSfM, Colmap, OpenMVG and Meshroom.
In my experience VisualSfM is not as accurate as Colmap, OpenMVG or Meshroom (in terms of camera registration errors).
Also, Colmap and Meshroom allow to create not only Structure from Motion reconstructions, but also Multi-View Stereo results (i.e. meshes).