Blendersito is a Blender clone on Nokia 95

Blender clone on Nokia 95 developed for Symbian, developed in C/C++ this is very limited version, but is great to see how powerful was the N95 and the author Dante Leoncini of this application make many other fantastic port for Symbian OS, one of the most powerful OS ever made.

The code on GitHub


Heard about this from the Creative Bloq website a few days ago, very cool example of up-cycling an old pre-smartphone device!

The creator kind of touched on this at the end of the video, but it also really emphasized how the duopoly between Apple and Samsung smartphones is not only bad for e-waste and the environment, but also seems to limit the potential of more recent phones with far more power than the Nokia N95 to have a 3D app half as good as Blender or Maya. Blendersito seems both more feature-rich and more suited for tiny phone screens than the App Store 3D apps I’ve tried so far (the subscription-based 3D Modeling App and the “pay-for-once-but-expensive” Valence 3D), despite Blendersito obviously not being 1:1 with Blender.

Now I’m going to be searching eBay for a used Nokia N95. Or at least put in more effort learning the quirks of using Blender on my Steam Deck…

Although it is an interesting thing, I think that using Blender in a phone is not very productive, furthermore buying a Nokia 95 with Symbian OS is just a waste, I have a Nokia 95 in the drawer like others, but perhaps the best thing you can do is use Steam Deck, at least it is a fully functional Linux system where you can install many programs, I like this type of projects, I am convinced that the revolution will arrive as soon as Risc V is widely adopted, we will see these types of portables and PCs like the GameBoy, maybe there it will also be a return of competition in the console sector, where today there are only 3.

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