Blenderstorm BETA

Hi all,

In the past few weeks I’ve been working on getting Blenderstorm back in business, and from the technical part most of it has now been done. I’ve opened up a beta testing site at to iron out the last technical bugs.

Apart from that I’ll be needing a nice theme to go with this (two actually, one for drupal, one for the blenderstorm modules). Please see my blog for more details:

I invite the community to propose themes for the site.

Mostly needed:

  • logo
  • icons (the 4 idea stages, vote icons, idea submission icon)
  • icons for 5 user types (admin, developer, idea reviewer, moderator and user).
  • layout and design for that.

I’m interested to see what you all can come up with. Please send proposals to the blog post in the comments.

I hope to get running in the next couple of weeks.


Yay Blenderstorm!

sweet! drupal, how much does drupal theme dev differ from wordpress?

for logos I suggest something nice, using negative space. something printable.

for header would be neat to have like blenderartists, rotating w/ artwork from the community on blenderstorm. can be CGI images, or mind-maps leading to a new feature etc.

Rotating artwork sounds like a fun addition, but I think I’ll put it somewhat lower on the priority list.

I’m not sure how much Drupal theme development differs from Wordpress theme development. I haven’t really worked with Drupal themes before :slight_smile:


drupal marinelli theme php script (public_html/sites/all/themes/marinelli/img/banners/rotate.php)
if you have a drupal site can be adapted

I registered but failed to receive the confirmation email. It still need configuring?

is it already possbile to submit ideas for BGE?

@N30N: You had your email domain as I assumed you meant so I fixed that for you.

@viss6696: This is indeed a drupal site, but marinelli is not the theme I’ll be wanting for the final site.

@magicjonsn: The beta site is just what it is - a beta site. The only thing that I’ll be moving from that to production is users


Great news! There will be great ideas on Blender development.

Thanks jesterKing.

Great to see Blenderstorm back! Or on it’s way back.

Here is a quick concept idea I have. Storm clouds are swirling in the blender. Dabbling with the idea of lightning coming out the top. Let me know what you think?

Doh! Thank you kindly. :smiley:

Glad to see this coming back to life!

@Nichod - do work out your idea and propose here:


Hi JesterKing,
I am really glad you remade the site, I made myself an account and did a testing idea.
thanks !
I still believe money to be a major motivating factor for getting development and a centralized development site to the be the answer. Ton thinks this is very cool.

Just click on the image to see a larger version.


I run a modest Drupal website ( and have a couple of thoughts/suggestions on themes:

  1. I would start by eliminating any blocks on the right column. Three column layout doesn’t look too great right now at 1024x768, which as far as I know is still considered the “universal” minimum resolution for websites. My monitor is much more than this, but I run my browser at that resolution.

  2. Second, look at the existing themes for Drupal. There are several that are better than the ones included in the installation. An existing theme will get you up and running quickly while you wait for a killer custom-designed theme to be completed and polished. Drupal is nice in that you can have multiple themes installed at the same time, so that for example, you and the designer(s) can see the new theme in development while the regular visitors see the normal, stable theme.

  3. Places to look for Drupal themes: You can sort them on by popularity or you can also check out demos of most of the themes at I use this one and like it particularly because it’s very flexible (multiple options of layouts and regions) and reasonably good looking. It also has 17 different color schemes that you can choose from. Or you can make your own color scheme by modifying the CSS.

I’m not much of a web developer so have not made any of my own themes yet, but have made some slight changes to the Salamander theme.

Good luck!