BlenRig 6 Release

Damn! I knew it had to be something simple (that any simpleton would have seen :o).

Did as you directed, restarted, and all is right with the world. Foot rolls quite nicely (I’m wondering what else will work properly now). I will now slam my face into the keyboard several times and then carry on. Thanks for your patience. Will share character I rig once I get it finished.:smiley:


Cool Mark! I’m glad it worked!

used blenrig for chr on scene I’m working on thanks so much for this! first time I’ve added lots of extra bones worked well.

Looking great! Congrats! :smiley:

I want to fix my BlenRig hand controllers’ on a steering wheel. but when I move the master_torso the hands also move with it. how can I fix the hand controllers in one position. I don’t want them move with any other bone. Help please…

I got the answer.

Hehe hi Ameen!

Yes, set the arms and hands to HINGE mode and that would do the trick. Also note that it is not a good idea to use the Child_of constraint for this, instead, use a copy transforms constraint. I usually add that constraints to the bones “hand_ik_mstr_L” and “_R”, which are not in a visible layer. By doing this you will still be able to animate the IK controllers manually.

Hi folks,
recently I shared some characters with Blenrig which you can download and play with

and I want to thank jpbouza for this cool system :slight_smile:

That looks really cool Cooler! Great work!

Am running into an issue working with BlenRig. I have a character that has an exceptionally large head (its basically a kids doll). I wanted to give blenrig a shot and using blender as an animation alternative. Setup is great, except when i get to the bake mesh portion. Everything goes south from there (image included below).

I’m going to probably say its user error, but basically i move around all the joints using the STR controllers. for the head i do scale UP neck_ctrl_4_str so that the head better fits into the given volume. According to the docs, this should be ok. Then I proceed to move the rest of the joints around to get a proper layout.

From there i follow the path as suggested.

  1. select cage -> bake it. Will look horrible.
  2. Select rig -> Bake Armature. Looks slightly better.
  3. Select rig -> Edit Mode -> Fix Joints
  4. While in edit mode still -> Calc Rolls
  5. Pose Mode -> Reset Constraints

And somehow i end up with the below. The pelvis up looks crunched down… with the head going way low. Legs seem ok. Anyone run into this? I’ve redone this rig about 5 times and get very similar results almost everytime. Is it incorrect to assume i can scale those head controllers to get a larger surface area for the face?
Appreciate any insight anyone might have.

Hi shonuff3d! Can you upload that blend file and post it here?

It is strange that you say that when you bake the armature it looks slightly better, cause it should look exactly the same as before you baked the mesh, so it should look perfectly well and aligned to the armature.

Have you modified any other thing? Like manually scaling the cage object?

Heya jpbouza! Appreciate the fast response. I’ll post the rig up tonight when i get back in front of my rig. So far i absolutely LOVE the implementation… if i can get past this one hurdle. (1.96 MB)Rig scene included.

Hey shonuff3d! Just saw your file.

Yeah, you NEVER EVER have to scale, rotate or move the armature in OBJECT mode. That’s the problem. In Blender you just don’t do that, you always have to leave the Armature Object with 0 transforms and just work in Edit and Pose mode. So, reset all those transforms you have in object mode and the re-adjust the controllers in Pose Mode with blenrig’s reproportion mode enabled to fit your character. Then bake the mdef cage and lastly the armature.

Let me know how it goes!

Ya know… i checked everything but that. I had assumed that it was ok to scale the base rig (globally) to the main character proportions. Will give that a try, but am sure it will work.

Appreciate the quick feedback! Will keep you posted.

Is this viable for a blender to unreal engine 4 workflow?

in my experience it’s not. there’s a lot of controllers and extra bones that will be represented as garbage.
for UE4 the best way to use simple skeleton of 21 bones if you are going to apply mocap…

Thanks :smiley: shame, this seems like an immense addon :slight_smile:

it’s a very powerfull addon but not for UE4 :slight_smile: