So I have this block building project I made to learn some python and now that I am done I don’t really need it for anything, so I figured that I would post it a a resource here for all of you to use.
It is a fairly self explanatory once you see it
, but I’ll explain it shortly.
There are 3 properties that can be added to an object to make it either:
- Un-Breakable, property=immortal
- Impossible to place a block on, property=noBlock
- Neither of the above (to save time), property=false
You use the arrow keys (up and down) to cycle through blocks, included blocks are:
Stone Bricks
Wood (Kind of looks like wood anyways…)
Stone Slab
Gravel and Sand (They both fall)
and finally Torch (Only one can emit light thanks to how parenting works)
You can change textures or add more blocks fairly quickly, if you want you can just append the character into your own blend and change the blocks in the script to work for you. Here are some screenshots and the .blend:
If you have any questions or comment post 'em below
Best of luck,
For 5,500 cubes their was no lag.These were untextured cubes with out logic.And the visisible cubes were no collision.And i made the cubes that were actors invisible.I put the camera clipping to forty.It has no lag whatsoever.Why you don’t you do the test.A final note keep the camera letter box.
I have made demonstration of a destructable environment by ending invisible cubes parented to no collision cubes which has a collision sensor connected to a end object actuatuator.The collision sensor detectects a dynamic cube that is a ghost with the property of fog.This cubes is invisible and is added by pressing the d key.The only thing that drops the frame is adding the invisible cube with the property.I guess you could end the invisible dynamic cube when it touches the static cube.The camera
is letterbox and clippings is forty.All the cubes are untextured.
I have discovered that is is possible to import buildings straight from Minecraft using the Mineways program on some custom settings.
I would not really recommend that.I think that is copyright infringment.You need to make your own.
I’m not saying “Go sell your Minecraft builds”, I was simply pointing out that you could build the map or whatever you please and then re-texture it to save trying to place a bunch of cubes in the bge, and posting it here is not copyright infringement, I am not claiming it as my own or making any money off of it, I also clearly credited both other programs.
Any structure you make in Minecraft is considered output and you can claim it as your own, as long as you don’t use the minecraft files, textures, engine, or other resources.
I use Minecraft to plan out my environments and buildings often. Then I get bored and go blow up a village that generated on my flat world. xD
Blowin’ up those squidwards.
How is your voxel game going?
Me? I was unsure that I was working on a voxel game. Just trying to extend my web presence because I feel invisible (plus my HD died yesterday).
I thought you were i must have you mixed up with someoneelse.
I get that a lot, I tend to blend into other people.
ha, ha,
I personally .blend into a ninja,
Looks nice, but could you, please, make tutorial on this?
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