How do I download the latest version (free one) to test.
On github when I download 2.4.8
It doesn’t want to install.
How do I download the latest version (free one) to test.
On github when I download 2.4.8
It doesn’t want to install.
Hi vvoovv,
Thank you for the update.
Same for me.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender290_1withpyclone\2.90\scripts\modules\", line 351, in enable
mod = __import__(module_name)
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'blender-osm-2'
@SquareRoot, @serviteur
Please get the addon from You can type zero in the price field to download the addon for free.
If you downloaded or purchased the addon before, you can always get the latest version using the download link in your purchase or download message.
It’s possible to install the addon from Github. Remove all digits from the name of the folder. For example, the folder name blender-osm-2.4.28 should become blender-osm.
It’s ok now! Thank you,vvovv
thanks works !
now a question.
when picking selection from map only option is rectangle.
so what I did was import that and used knife tool to get only part I needed.
now anyone know how could I could cut out the rest of the image that you can see in uv editor that is not in use?
because the overlay images are massive like 70mb.
if I could cut out the part that is not in use it would cut the size down by half and more.
I thought about exporting the UV layout.
Opening the overlay image in gimp.
putting the uv layout over top.
than selecting the outer loop and deleting the overlay image underneath.
but than if I import that new image again.
the uv map will not match the size of the new image.
edit: NVM It works !
if I import back the image that I cut out with gimp and leave the size same that doesn’t affect the uv map.
no issue!
overlay image size is now 12mb instead of 70mb because the outside is now transparent empty.
Which version of the addon is it?
blender 2.91 official release
osm 2.3.29
should I try this version
You certainly should
You’d better getting the latest version from Gumroad, since it doesn’t require editing of the name of the zip-file.
It works no errors!
Got official version from Gumroad.
Working on hipped roofs generation:
Wow. That is fabulous. any idea when it will be in the Pro version?
The development version can be tested right now:
Install it in same way as the release version.
Hipped roof generation is available in the experimental mode. Enable it in the very bottom of the addon preferences.
It’s quite complex computational problem. We’d like to test it against every footprint with a hipped roof out ouf 320 thousand of them available in the OpenStreetMap database. Currently 80 thousand footprints with the hipped roof were tested. Our algorithms failed to generate the hipped roof for 14 footprints. A flat roof will be generated for those cases as a fallback solution.
I hope it will show up in the release version in January.
That great. I’ll test it. Thanks.
Look impressive!
Btw: does it have to be either all buildings flat or gable roof?
Any option to eg. influence/choose the building to be gable/flat roofed?
Hi @bluecd
That’s already done in some way in the experimental mode. Enable it in the very bottom of the addon preferences. The roof shape is controlled in the building style file. The style language is called PML (Prochitecture Markup Language).
For example, take look at the file [your assets folder]/default/style/building/single_family_house.pml. It defines the style for a single family house. Then take look at the line 15 of the file:
footprint {
roofShape: attr("roof:shape") | gabled;
That means: take the roof shape from the OSM attribute roof:shape. If the attribute isn’t provided than assume that the roof shape is gabled.
That’s a new concept and it hasn’t been announced yet. If you need something specific, please write me directly.
Hi vvoovv,
Will you plan to implement tools for contour map/contour generator on OSM in the future?