
Hi everyone! I have a problem that’s driving me crazy, EVERY time i try to set up some blueprints to make something, blender takes the images as it wants, i saw an old thread but it wasn’t useful.
The problem that i have with ALL the blueprints that i found is that i can’t rotate the image, for example i have alot of cars and other stuff where the Top view is not correct, so i try to rotate the image ( outside blender ) image rotated succesfully, but when i reload the image into blender is in the exactly same position, nothing has changed, even if i try closing and re-opening blender and creating another project and load in the image. The image is always not correct, even if rotated, blender re-rotates the image and sets it as it wants. This happened since i started using blender till now, with all the versions.

Can someone help me?

Show us. Screen shots, blend files.

Here you are:

Look at the “arrow” the top is the only not correct view

Link to the blueprints:

The .blend is attached [ EDIT : now the blueprints are included with the .blend ]

Just an example, but this happen with every blueprint i try to use.


bl1.blend (1.2 MB)

Did you rotate the top view and saved the file before reloading it (reload image from disk button)
It worked foe me just as expected

Of course, as I wrote in the first post, i’m not that noob :D( i hope ) and that’s why i can’t find out why isn’t it working for me. :spin:


A short video:

Um, I always use PS or Gimp to rotate the top view. Are you sure that your method is not rotating only the thumbnail and not the actual file?

Edit: This was bothering me so I checked meself and sure 'nuf, the file was rotated. Now I suspect that the Windows file browser doesn’t update the timestamp on the file when it rotates it and since you didn’t appear to restart Blender after you deleted the top view, it simply used the file it had already loaded.

It can be, but this would not work :expressionless:

Now i’ll try photoshop