Hi im a newbie to Blender, my English in not good but wil do my best to be clear Ive been working on my first video game called “BlueXray”. Its a third person view futuristic game. Its about a hidden underground company or base called “BlueXray” that creates half human half robot machines to wipe out the human race and use them to make duplicates .
You play as “Booster”, he is half human half robot created by one of the Scientists who used to work inside the “BlueXray” but escaped and desided to help what is left of the human race and betray hes fellow Scientists by creating “Booster” using his own sons remains after he(son) was killed by one of the "BlueXray" robots. Later on, the Scientists(Booster s creator) is found and is killed. Hes remains are being used to create a more powerful robot and is Programmed to hunt “Booster” down, making a fight against Father and Son.
Im no good writer so it took me a while to get this stor. If u can make the story sound better or make more sense plz feel free to help with my writing
The music and player"Booster" tuxtures or Matcaps are not mine i will post them too so i can give credit to that individual coz i got them on this site i cant remember who was it. The walls and floor textures i temporary borrowed from GtaSA pc game i real fell inlove with them im looking to do similar textures. The music is also temporary borrowed from UnrealTournament pc game im looking for someone who can make similar music that be so great.
As u may have seen in the video, i have pretty much done nothing yet but just the player animation and im still working on it and the HUD as well. Here are some snapshots of the player creation
This is the Matcap that i used for the hair, i got it from this site from some post but i cant seem to find it. If u know this individual plz to let me know so i can thank him and give credit. Thank u.
I still need help with making the eyes glow, at the moment i used a bright blue plane mesh just above the eyes and attached a blue spot light on it. Its comes visible when u activate the eyes in the game for when its too dark.
The menu is basically a wireframe sphere spinning around i think it look cool
Latest Video Update: I just added a first person eye view but u cant move when u activate it and also adjusted the lighting to what i really want the game to look like.
the mesh of your character still has way too many polygons and some of them aren’t necessary, the backside of it for example. You ought reduce those somehow (: use normal map created from a sculpted version maybe
Thank u, abt that. I also noticed that when i compared to other games created here. Since im a beginner i had no knowledge abt that and i know nothing abt normal mapping or mybe its the term “normal map” that i dont know but i will keep in mind and learn more abt it thanks. To create the body mesh i simply used Metaballs and worked from there on. Mybe thats why my game file is already 150MB when Exported as Blender Game file, and i have nothing yet in the game just the player character and and empty room. Thanks again RockyMadio
A normal map is a kind of special texture that fakes the reflection of any object which make them have more detailed surface. (seem to have)
To save time reading explaination, look at this example of my character. The final look of it is strongly effected by the normal map which looks like a 2-colored texture, with blue and violet, so you can see all the muscles there, as if the object really has those bumbs. But it is actually a mesh that has very few faces. So you dont need to create too many faces to make it look with curves.
Blender is a powerful software that allows you to bake normal map really effectively and easily. You should inform yourself about UVmapping first, afterwards search for a tutorial how to bake normal map. (: You will understand and be able to do it
Wow Thanks alot, That would be so awesome if i could do that with out having to use too many faces to create bumps. I think i get it now, all i need to do is search how its done. Yes i know UVmapping but ive never understood baking. When ever i press the bake button my texture would just turn black and white meaning im clearly doing it wrong. Thank u very much will find a tutorial then thank u
When a texture just suddenly turn black, it could be because you did not disable the current texture first so your baked texture just overwrites it (remember to uncheck texture you want to bake on, before you bake).
Hm or just go to edit mode again, and make sure that ur UV isnt active on the current texture.
And its not hard to bake things. Just align the highpoly and the lowpoly to fit to each other, for example: a is your very detailed model with 4 milion faces. b is a low poly-model that has the shape of a. Hold down shift, right click on a then right click on b (remember, source first, then target when bake). Then go to the bake option and choose the bake mode you want (texture, diffuse, normal…). then click the bake button.
@RockyMadio - Thank u very much, i searched and found tutorials for baking and baking normals. If it wasnt for u i would have never took interest on learning abt baking, now i learned something very new i thank u
@BluePrintRondom - Thanks for the video, yours is much more short and direct compared to the ones ive found thanks alot. And i also learned alot from u BluePrintRondom from your posts in this site especially your blend files eg. Elevator switch etc and few more that i didnt understand due to my lack of skill. You know very much abt Python and your logic bricks always gave me a headache since im a newbie lol u much respected and i thank u coz even in this game ive used some of your logic bricks methods
@RockyMadio - I managed to change or reduce the poly count for the body as advised by RockyMadio from 6900 to 1158 lol i swear i didnt know it can be reduced i had to make research on how that is done thanks to u. I ran into some trouble while doing that, i had to re-rig my character coz some parts were moving weirdly but it went all well. Im very happy for what i have learned already from u guys thank u very much The baking normals feature is the best of all of what ive learned very unbelievable how u can make quality surfaces without using high poly count@BluePrintRondom - Thank u very much it means alot to me coming from u
Update - Im still working on animations and thinking of ideas on how the enemy will look like. Im also gonna be working on textures at the moment, like i said the wall textured u see on the video are textures i borrowed from GTA pc game so i need to create my own or download free ones from the net. Wil also be changing the music its also not my work. Thanks all, see ya