Blurry text compare to the rest of the scene in Cycles

Basically text looks grainy compare to the final render scene, denoise activated (0.01), open image denoiser, 300 as render frame, if I go higher 4096 for example text has the same issue

I already apply remesh and bevel to fix this problem, but still persist

I can share also the file, if someone would like to see in detail the problem:

I can see that somehow you have sheared the text to look like Itallics, whether you wanted it that way or it is something in the GN tree.

People are reluctant to download a 400 MB file just to test it… can you strip out everything but the text and just share that…?

This text isn’t the final with subdvision surface applied and bevel, thanks for this advices hope can help, I apply similar light setup

MAEZE text problem v2.blend (1.6 MB)