[BMAX] Blender<->3DSMax Connector

@Esi Could you share or send me the file?

Unfortunately I can’t share the file because it’s a work file.
The instances in the file were created in Rhino so maybe that might be the issue. (I imported the file from Rhino to Blender and now exporting from Blender to 3ds max)

Hi there, both plugins have installed successfully, but Blender doesn’t show the tab that will let me import.
I’m including an image that shows on the bottom the message that says the installation was successful, and that the tab is not appearing.

Any ideas? Thank you!

Hi, could you share a blender console?

So I’m having trouble with the 3dsMax part…
So what do I exactly need to do because I dont get it.

If there would be a Video to it that would help a lot.
(3ds 2017)

I had trouble seeing the icon in 3dsmax and had to change my screen resolution.

Could you post a screenshot? I need more info.

Titus, this was a long time ago. I was just posting my solution so others might try it. It happened years ago. It worked for me. Otherwise I could not find the icon in 3dsmax. Sorry for the mixup. Thanks

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Hi @TitusLVR, I have two feature requests:
Could you add a material check so that Blender doesn’t duplicate the materials for each import?

My current workaround is using Kekit’s cleanup tools and purging unused data after which I merge materials by base names using the Material utilities addon. So if this isn’t possible, I would love to move BMAX over to the Kekit category in the N-panel. Unfortunately, I cannot do this with Simpletabs.
So if you could add a N-panel category setting in the preferences, it could also solve my needs.

And second, I don’t know whether this would improve performance, but do you think you could add a tris to quad conversion on import?

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I used the 2022 version of 3ds Max. Unfortunately I have problems importing the mzp file. I can’t see anything in the viewpoint (install). Does anybody have the same Problem? best regards, T.

This helps a lot! Is there any way that it only trasnfers diffuse, roughness, bump, and opacity? Or perhaps being able to chose wich maps to transfer, because unplugging unwanted textures takes a lot of time. Also, bump map gets transfered as normal map, and specular and metalness won’t have correct values. I don’t know if what I’m asking is a lot, but your solution is the closest I found of being perfect.

Same issue here as @visionworks has.

3DS Max 2021, the addon UI is not showing up where it usually is, though its import-export functions are accessible and usable through the search dialog as shown on the screenshot.

This issue came up for me when I switched to Win 11. Addon worked flawlessly with 3DS Max 2021 on Win 10.

@TitusLVR will you be able to fix it, please? Thank you.

UPD. Addon UI showed up after resetting Workspace to defaults, so the issue seems to be resolved thankfully :slight_smile: But still it’s the first time I see something like this with the addon, so it might be worth your attention.

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hi, Thank you for the addon, can you check the addon gob goz to transfer mesh between zbrush and blender, when I transfer mesh from zbrush to blender or the opposite, the scale is the same even with the position of the mesh, maybe it could solve the scale issue in this addon.

Same here @visionworks, i’m not able to import BMAX_3dsmax_v1.19.mzp into 3DSMax 2022. Is support to Max 2022 planned? @TitusLVR ?

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Also tested BMAX_3dsmax_v1.20.mzp and still unable to install on Max 2022

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Thank you for submitting the report. I will review it and get back to you shortly.

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Try to run 3dsmax as administrator and install the script using the scripts tab → run script …

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Running max as an administrator doesn’t do the trick. It seems to be crashing max 2022.

Well, you can try to make a manual setup.
For this, you have to do the following steps:

  1. Unzip BMAX_3dsmax_v1.20.mzp

  2. In 3dsmax open Maxscript Listener (F11 shortcut by default)
    Paste the code below, select it, and press Shift+Enter. This will show you the correct locations.

    pathConfig.GetDir #userscripts + "   Copy BMAX folder here" 
    pathConfig.GetDir #usericons + "   Copy here all icons from Icons folder"
    pathConfig.GetDir #usermacros + "   Copy here all macro sctipts from Macro folder"


  3. Copy files

  4. Restart 3dmax if it’s running

  5. Customize the toolbar

    How to customize

Something like this, try.

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Thanks a lot! It works. Here is a teapot in Blender and Suzan in Max as proof!

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