BMW M3 Printed Model Project

Just putting this up to track progress and outline workflow.

Goal: print and maybe paint M3 series E30 and E36. Rework design to be more concept-like and eliminate awkward panels (but mostly to make my life easier).


  1. Model Subdiv Chassis base.
  2. Extract/Cut/Bool panels from smooth as possible exterior.
  3. Clean Up and Render.
  4. Break out for Printing.
  5. Assemble SLA with Magnet wells and leftover skateboard wheel bearings. Look into rubber/silicon molding wheel treads.

Starting with 1990 E30 M3 EVO I’ve outlined small changes to design:

Got a new update, mostly done with the outer shell subdiv that I can use for the rest of the panels. The blocks in the wheels are just cutters for later.

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Reworked some transitions and softened the front bumper. Booleaned everything and will use this as a guide mesh to build final panels on top of:

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Working on some rim modeling today:

Will add some more detail to the tire and interior of the rim later. Might fit it so that the skateboard bearing will look like the brake disc?

Finished up the wheels and started working on the windows. I think I might need to adjust how thick the front windshield border is to match the height of the side borders. Also reworked the mirrors to have cleaner edges. The transition into that border will be tough though.