Hi to All!
This is My latest Project this Month in Blender…and 3th Work in Cycles!
I will Happy to Hear your Vote about this…
i used 600 Samples for My lovely car!..
I hope you like it…
Very nice! Working on a car myself right now. I can appreciate this much more.
Amazing renders and model Guy.
the gaps between parts are a bit much at some places, but the general rener looks really good
I would scratch that rim at every curb. Where are the brakes? I only see the disks. I should learn cycles shader, yours look really good.
Very thanks ShadowCamero
Thanks for all comment Guys…
I’d love to see the wireframe. I tried doing an M6 a few months ago and just couldn’t get all the shapes right. The biggest problem I had was that weird door sweep. I could never figure out an edge flow that gave the correct shape while still subsurf-ing correctly and allowing for the panel gap in the door. The hard edges in the front bumper I found very difficult as well.
good work! maybe your brake disks a a bit to close to your rims.
Thanks For comment…Yes …Right …disks must be changes