bmw question

Hello, what pic do you like better?



well, OF COURSE the second one… the first one is just a car… nothing clever about it. the second one has a feeling to it, nicer lighting and the model looks interesting.


Hmmm…Are these done by different artist? Is one done by you? Are both done by you? Oh well…I think…The top one looks better…

Yes I did both pics, second one is created by exporting in dxf format and again imported in blender, lightning is done whit mixing blender radiosity and faking global illumination.

wow…great pics !!

I do believe the top one is mighty sweet lookin.

The top one is MUCH better. The bottom may have really cool lighting, but the vertices got completely screwed up. It looks like a wreck.

Well - What I really want to know is what app you used to render the first pic in…Blender?

If so - Kudos :wink:

Yes, Blender :stuck_out_tongue: