BMX Downhill Racing Game

Hello all,
Im about to begin a Downhill Bike Racing game in blender with a friend. There are a few problems ive thought up and so any help on the following topics would be helpful.

  • Getting a bike to ‘roll’ on its wheels
  • making it possible to fly through the air after leaping from jumps
  • making the bike react to the jump and terrain
  • getting the person to fall off/crash when certain things happen
  • perhaps a ‘rag doll’ effect (which i dont think is possible:( )
  • tricks
  • anything else which is capable of creating a massive headace!I’ll try a few of these ideas out but im not to flash on python and so i’ll only be using logicbricks. Any help is greatly appreciated!!


Might not be possible with logic bricks…

I made a pretty good bike game a while ago for a school project. It had good physics and the pedals were animated. It is no longer on my PC, but its probably on a backup CD somewhere so i will look for it.

Whether i find it or not, I can help you with the wheel spinning. It involves some simple python.

Getting a bike to roll would be easy, just have an ipo or with Drot of it rotating when you press forward.

For getting into the air you could just have an invisible plane at the end of the jump with “Ghost” on, so when you collision with it, it will make your bike go up.

For reacting to the terran/jumps, try your luck with rigid body.

To have them fall off, you could have it if they receive message, it sets a property to False, and when the property is false, you can’t control anything, and it plays a falling animation. Then if they fall from landing sideways or something, it sends the message.

Tricks would be fairly simple, just have a lot of trick animations setup, and when you press certain keys (like left arrow and control), it makes them play an animation, and if you don’t fall, you recieve a certain amount of points.

The rest would not be possible without python I assume.

Probably all possible with logic bricks except these two things

  • Getting a bike to ‘roll’ on its wheels
  • perhaps a ‘rag doll’ effect (which i dont think is possible:( ) Realistic car physics with bullet would allow you to get the actual affect of real wheels rolling. It works, but still a WIP I believe and will only function if you have python code. Rag dolls can also be achieved by using python using the bullet physics engine (take a look at some of the 2.42 preview demos).

You could probably pull off this game without python and not have 1,2 listed. But for a better game, with more functionality, and definitely less logic brick organization, you should have a mix of logic bricks and python.

Jason Lin

Just a little help:

To make the wheels rototate, I used a simple logic brick and python setup. I attached a touch sensor to a python script which is attached to a motion actuator. This touch sensor will be activated everything the floor material is touched, and the script will read the object’s velocity (how fast the bike is moving) and give the wheels the according angular velocity!

Another alternative would be to use the vehicle python to be included in the Blender release :slight_smile:

I found an amazing image on OZO’s website. Supposedly he’s made a mountain bike game too.

I suggest PMing him to see how he tackled the physics and everything

anything else which is capable of creating a massive headace!

Well I can definatley help you with that! Try sockets… lol
For the tricks you could just use actions and stuff, along with a timer that decides if a crash happens.

Great game idea.

Hi I’d recommend the 2.42 test build 19 (search the forums) it has vehicle physics so you can do shocks and other realistic vehicle motion.