here is a sextant
happy cl
I like the sextant, but on the cannon you could work on some details. The bronze cannon itself is detailed and fine, but the wheels and wooden planks could use some more work.
wheels are missing something that should hold them on its place.
the wooden planks could use some more details like on purpose distortion. But other than, except what you particularly said about textures, there is nothing more I can point out right now.
I will gladly see an improvement and next objects.
Good luck.
I just did a generic canon
did not do much research on real canons of the time
and when I use this on the ships i’m working on
I doubt you will be able to see these details from far away
but thanks for this hig res pic of the wheel It is what I did
steel plate above the wood !
notes :
1 - don’t expect to see a lot of details for the ships
I will try to make as much of it for a medium res model
and it will take time may be a few months to complete
trying to do the Serapis and may be a Spanish gallion.
2 - very difficult to find good references for these old ships
some times you get different models for the same ship so hard to tell which one is valid !
and to do a high res model would be too much work and don’t have the patience of doing that LOL
thanks for the C + C
happy bl
True to that, that its difficult to find high res reference photos, but I believe that Golden Hind has a pretty nice replica to its original ship as of galleon.
To find some pictures of it would serve you really good.
Just in case you would not know, google is full of pictures for HMS Victory interior, decks, cannons, … sure its a different century but its a great source of inspiration.
i’m doing the HMS Serapis 1791 not the Victory ship!
I did find some blue print for that one and some models
but not high res
here is an anchor
on the pic I saw it was black
was it realist i don’t know !
happy bl
here is one of the model I found for that Serapis ship
but was it made as the original one is a good question!
very difficult to find high res pic of the sculpted back
so will have to guess how it was done !