Bob my almost first Character

I have really been trying to understand armatures and all of that crap. So far I have basic knowledge, will probably ask really noob questions later. He doesn’t have full functionality, but then again animating him is not going to work without a good armature. So right now just comment on him, he’s awesome! Be nice, there is only a shape key for the mouth.
^there is a better animation on my website under movies.

I’d like to see some defined edges along the ends of the sleeves and collar…right now his clothes might as well be painted on.

I like the style, simple characters like this tend to amuse me…

I’ll warn you that I don’t like SSS very much (so my opinion is not wholly objective here) but I feel like the SSS does not fit the style of the character.

he’s cute!

Thanks for your comments, personally I like the sss, but it is why I posted it here, for critique.

Lovely character! You have packed a lot of personality there!

I like this guy!

However, his head is so stylized and simplistic (which I like), it doesn’t quite match the torso and legs which seem to have more detailed shapes.

For instance the pectoral bulges and spare tire around his waist. With a head that is basically a block, I think the body would look better if it were also a rounded box shape. The same with his legs- his arms are basically cylinders (which l like) but his legs have moe defined curves and knees, even.

I also really like the face, but something seems odd where his head connects to his body. Perhaps a neck would work? I don’t know for sure, but it could use a little development there.

This guy is very cool- keep him going!

like the style, but no SSS, i’m not a very big fan of it either. try shortening the arm lengths :wink: