Bob Robot

This is my first attempt at modelling and rendering a project to a point it’s presentable. Still, maybe a bit of work to do on it, but I might just have been looking at it too long so I’m going to let it sit here for a bit. Any feedback welcome, just be gentle as it’s my first time out!

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I like the fact that you have scratches on that metal piece. That adds a lot of detail. I’m a photography guy so keep this in mind when I say this next point. Your eyes are out of focus – one of the number one crimes in people photography at least. Generally, it is natural for people to look at eyes first. It’s a way we humans connect to others, and when you photograph a person and the eyes are out of focus you lose a sense of connection. This is the same, yet in this case easily fixed. This picture would look 1000x better just with that fix alone.

You’re absolutely right, I hadn’t even noticed - the focus was originally around the front of the body, and the eyes were facing forward - I didn’t change it when I posed the eyes. This one has the focus in the right spot. Better, you think? There’s not a huge amount of detail in the eyes unfortunately for them to really pop out.

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Adorable ! :heart:

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