BoBA 2022 Voting: Characters

in this sentence I am agree with you. Icaro_Carvalho

I am in the same situation as you, but if it be start of revolution to help improve this part of site, then I am happy.

most of artists do this(It is not a strange manner to share your artwork and friends and followers support your artwork.) but some of them questioned and some not, and dear @bartv doesn’t told its a prohibit as it’s not strange behavior.

fair or not, it happens, and my personal reputation doesn’t matter if (I said again) it be the start of revolution that this site improved. josephhansen
because Blender is my home, also Blender Community, Blender Artists, & I like it to improve.and like every blender artist, addon dev, core dev and all other people in Blender and especially @bartv, He has served the blender for many years. He has long story with it, and I have special regards for @bartv. he just tried to make the community better place.

bartv its better to write all rules first and then change the site for example only members can vote (no basic or new users) and who have enough activity recently or anything’s like that.
in that way, you never need to send that’s message to anyone and upset them (fair or not), and also, we have better and beautiful and justly competition.
finally, thanks for all these years, thanks for running this site and make it great.
Best Regards, and Happy new year.