Body Spec maps??? what areas should have more specular???

Hi everyone,

I was hoping that someone new what areas of the body (neck down) should have more specularity.

cause from either sweat or natural oils.

If some one could show me an example body spec map, that would be most helpful.

My characters have some awkward UV unwraps, that’s why I would like simply an example body spec map. So that I would then recreate the effect on my own texture maps. (as oppose to copy and paste)

Thank you for your time.

I figure that the elbows and knees would be very dry generally speaking.

But that’s all I know of.
I’ve seen many examples on specular maps for a persons face?
But nothing on the rest of the body.

any ideas?

Specular is for the amount of shininess of areas, which is not necessarily wetness.

Elbows could perhaps have more shininess, but honestly I wouldn’t bother. Except maybe for nails.

What made me looking in to it was this tutorial for photo real skin. He made a specular map for the face to make areas appear to moist.

The tutorial can be fond here.

After seeing this, I figured that something similar must be used for the rest of the body.
(accurate spec map being the missing component.)

After seeing this, I figured that something similar must be used for the rest of the body.
(accurate spec map being the missing component.)
I don’t think anyone knows the correct values in here, i do know that the elbow and knees, hands and feet are considered dry skin. In the end you could always look at your own body :slight_smile:

Hands, Feet, Elbows, and Knees. Your right, I actually never realized hands and feet are typically dry. Thank you Guiseppe

Lol, it would be fun explaining to someone why I’m standing in front of a mirror in a “T-pose” wearing my birthday suit. lol

“It’s not what it looks like…Ok it’s exactly what is looks like; but it’s not how you think it is.”

“It’s not what it looks like…Ok it’s exactly what is looks like; but it’s not how you think it is.”

Hahah such is the life of a 3d artists :wink:

If you wanted to, you could download DAZ and Victora 4 and spend time doing a detailed study on her spec maps (but also go through her bump maps as well)… the bump and spec go hand in hand to create the effect.

… this is how I learn anyways… and just a suggestion for you is all.

there are also soft that can make from a real picture a spec ,bump or normal map !

or you have to make it yourself may be with a black and white of the picture and paint in the areas with higher value of spec
but that would be very tedous and take time to do !

if you look at wiki for UV there is a list of around 7 different type of layers texturing for mapping skins
so it’s not an easy subjet to get something realistically looking
but it does not really explain how to make theses maps!

happy 2.5

Wow. Thank you very much Quandtum and RickyBlender.

My cousin has DAZ, I’m sure I’ll be able to take a look at some of those textures, thanks.
It would appear that now I have some leads.

RickyBlender, would happen to know any names of such software that could do that?

try crazy bump or blacksmith
but not free

sorry don’t know any free soft to do all the different map like spec bump normal in same soft!

i do ahve some free soft that can make a normal map from picture like faststone

hope it helps

happy 2.5

DAZ is free. A couple of programs that do what Ricky suggest would be CrazyBump (not free, as Ricky stated) or ShaderMap (free w/o the UI) and apparently Blacksmith (from Ricky above, I’ve never heard of it but going to check it out also), Google for them they will come up. Both have free trials though. There are a few free open source ones but I can’t recall their names (they’re early enough in development that they’re not very effective, but sometimes that’s still better then dropping lots of cash).

Thank you very much, you all have been most helpful.

I’ll looking into these suggested software. (I’m sure i can scavenge together some chump change)

Thank you once again.