Boeing 737-800 Cockpit VR 360 Pano

Woah Thank You again Sir :smiley:

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Hi Thank You :smiley:

Thank You :smiley:…Yes Blender is amazing tools…respect to those who keep improving and supporting blender…

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Thank You sir :smiley:

ohh and btw this button will get you “Beer ASAP” :wink:


I am speechless :no_mouth:

:grinning: Seriously, do you know how much buttons, levers, gauges, etc. you put in this model… at least approximately number. If I remember correctly in small ( simple ) planes there is about 50 stuff which are important, here are hundreds.

Labor of love! I bet you’re already using MSFS SDK.

Amazing work! :slight_smile:

Nice work! you went over with it.

Update Video

absolutely wicked. Im a huge aviation fan and this is one of the best blender aviation projects Ive ever seen.

Hi, this is fantastic :grinning:. Is there any chance to contact you privately?

just for info I left you a message on artstation

Cor blimey! looks like something straight out of MS Flight Sim :+1:

Greate work!

That’s fire!

This is incredible my friend! I fly the 737 for a living, really well done :clap:t3:

I was on google looking for a 737 blend file for an idea for a blender project I have.

Would you be open to me borrowing it? If you’re up for it, shoot me a message and we can chat :+1:t3:

I was wondering, do you plan on allowing use of this model elsewhere? I plan on using it in FlightGear, which is a free flight sim. is that ok? Great model btw