im doing a 747 coz noone elde iv seen has and also coz i like the plane.
i was going to show you a lot of pics, but they’re too big so heres where i am now… ____________________________________________
If your looking for more Blueprints, I usually check first. Here is the link to his Commerial Jets Section and there are a few 747 prints there about midway down the page.
also, i know the quality of the model improves as it goes on so i might fix some of the dodgy objects but so far ill just leave it as my n00b modelling
It might help if you would post a wire and a picture from a different point of view (a perspective like your first picture would be ok) so that we can see the whole 747
I think you need to concentrate on your plane more and not worry about the scene yet. I have a few things that may help you with your plane:
You have got the basic shape of the boeing so now you need to start working on giving it details. What I do is concentrate on one section at a time but always keeping an eye on the whole picture so that parts of the plane don’t become out of proportion to the rest of the plane.
I think you should start with the nose and the cockpit area of the plane… and remember to always refer to your references. The nose of your boeing at the moment doesn’t look right… it is a bit pointed if you get what I mean.
I have allways been meaning to see this but forgot about it, thanks for the link
Anyways, I hope this helps you
P.S: Don’t let getting no comments worry you to much and don’t let your project hang on receive comments… just keep posting pictures of progress and people will gain more interest
The topic title has changed how many times? LOL The only comment I have so far besides my earlier one is to leave the Topic Title alone and work more on the model. :o First it was Boeing 747 [wip], then Japan Air something or another, and now it’s boeing 747 - with airport (need comments!). Jeez Louise!:eek:
Ok…first: As mentioned before you better should finish the plane first, then start with the scenery.
About your plane. I still think that the nose is not correct. You should check ref pictures for the shape. Then there are some problems with the wings. You also need to rework the area where the wings are connected to the rest of the 747. One more thing about the wings: it seems that they are to flat and don’t have that typical cross-section.
Of course you also need to add the windows and some more details to the 747 (flaps, wheels etc.)
Thats a good shape for a passenger jet, they look simple but the fuselage shape can be quite tricky, even though not so many polys required. Just keep lookin at the blue prints and youll get it all right eventually;)
i made this really nice F4J McDonnell Douglas Phantom - Fighter Jet- but my dad reformatted the laptop so i lost it:(
Try and just forget about all the nice renders, focus on getting the meshing really nice, and also try to put those flaps in. Passenger jets have massive flaps, when in port they are down so ready for take off, but i think only the first or second as well. When they land they have all 3 down. But they also have elevators up just before touch down, for take off they have there elevators abit up.
After you finish your model add these things and try to get a more exciting scene for landing, take off and then in port. Try and look at as many pictures of planes as you can;) its especially helpful to do model kits, not airfix though, to simple