Bokeh Blur Node problems

I have tried to replicate a simple node setup that uses Bokeh Blur on a .jpg photo imported into Blender. As far as I can see I’ve copied everything exactly, but the Blur nodes have no effect. I’m new to compositing in Blender so I am probably doing something really stupid.

I attach a .jpg of the node setup I am trying to copy, and my .blend attempt (with the same photo used in the original node setup packed in the file).

Thanks in advance!


bokeh-attempt1.blend (1.96 MB)

Seems to work for me, but it is just super slow.

Well, I got it to work, but I have to set the Bounding Box value not equal to zero (it doesn’t seem to matter what value I set it to, it just has to be between zero and one). If it’s at zero then Blender makes no attempt to do any compositing (no progress bar, unchanged image). With any other value it takes about 1m15s.

I wish this node were better documented so I could be clearer about what is going on. Usually one can experiment to figure things out but it just takes forever with this setup.

Anyway, I’m slowly getting some good results now by playing around with a smaller image. Even if I don’t understand why. Thanks for having a look, kesonmis :slight_smile: