Bone can't move part of mesh

Whenever I try to move the lower spine, the part of the chest won’t follow the bone, and when I check the weight paints, the mesh appears red in the right areas. There isn’t any other bone controlling this part of the mesh, and it seems like blender is mad right now.

Please help.

Can you link the file?

I can’t upload a file bigger than 5mb for some reason, any way around this?

Yep. Upload it to a file sharing site of your choice and paste the link.

If you use google drive, please set it to “anyone with link”, unless you want people to specifically ask for your permission to check it out.

That’s the site’s cap on file size. I don’t think anyone can upload something bigger.

there ya go, let me know if anything comes up

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Your spine bone has DEFORM ticked off. When I turned that back on, those verts move the way I assume you want.

oh wow, thanks! Can you move the pelvis down to see if the chest is properly weighted to the spine bones? I’ll be back in an hour or two

Like so?

wow, that fixed everything then. The only other problem I can imagine is that the elbow bones don’t follow the pelvis.

If you really want them to, they can be parented with “KEEP OFFSET”. That way they’ll follow the pelvis, but not be directly attached to it, so they can still be moved separately.

Thanks for all the help!

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