Awesome work with the multirig support, and sorting\swapping functionality… good on ya!
I’m not sure which way to go with the github … as I certainly don’t have the enthusiasm for this anymore… and you’re running around like a code ninja! that said I do still have a few features in mind…
I’m sure it’ll work it’s self out in time when we split over artist differences
I was thinking that if the swap function could implemented directly on the buttons in the RigUI panel in a sort of edit mode… it could be a nice feature… didn’t look a how feasible that was though.
Not sure if I’m a fan of the tiny up/down buttons, I added a ‘Layer Sorting’ checkbox to separate their display from the ‘Extra Option’ checkbox so maybe there’s no need to cram them in now??
I’ve got panel glitches all over the place now on my fork
I hope you just ignore pep8 because the default pylinting in vscode just gives too many invalid errors.
If so, I also added the settings I use in my vscode, to get linting working correctly and the codes I choose to ignore.
I adjusted the Custom Props ui to account for the new display options.
The noteworthy change is the Add button is on the bottom now.
The reasoning is that when you click it, it adds to the bottom, so it should behave like the layers ui, where you click the button, then the button is replaced by the property.
I spent a lot of time trying to adjust the UI to keep all three on one line at the top, and then scrapped the idea and pushed it to the bottom. Now that I think about it, this part was purely optional and I could’ve just left it at the top
Code Talk
There’s this thing you do in your uilayout.props() where you set the icon as a tuple.
I had thought this was a hidden feature of the parameters, and then after playing with it, I realized you were just returning a single item from the tuple
I never thought of that, so I switched some code in my personal addon, to do something similar.]
What I would do is something like: class.props(layout, idname, icon='NONE', on={'icon': 'INFO'}, off={})
When that’s called, it will go through the on / off properties and replace the property being used with that, for the situation.
Now I can just do class.props(layout, idname, icon=('NONE', 'INFO'))
If the prop is a tuple (with 2 items), it’ll return the first if it’s off, or the second if it’s on.
I can also use that elsewhere instead of using multiple lines for if and else or whatever.
Though, this requires both values be valid, in which cases I would have to use one-line if-else statements if I REALLY want it on one line
You’re free to play with them to figure out how you’d like to have them.
I tried to setup their code to make it easier to differentiate between them, to split them later if desired.
Yes… the linting errors were an embarrassment today… and thanks adding the settings.
Well… not sure where I grabbed that from but glad it amused you… also explains issues with my other over ambitious project.
This works for me looks good…
Found a small bug in my code for showing Armature names in custom props… put “my fix” into my fork may not be the best solution…
Was try to implement user preferences today as you might notice on my fork…I’d like to set defaults to real simple as there’s a lot going on now and I want it to be accessible… but… really got screwed by that API change… by the time I figured it out I/it was a mess… but I merged it in anyway even though it’s incomplete…
before that I was thinking about always showing 1 empty layer at the bottom… that way you wouldn’t have to show all layers just to add a new one…
I may have found some enthusiasm for this project again…
Hi, I downloaded this addon but there is an issue. when i check this addon in blender preferences it doesn’t show up in the panels, can help me with that please?
Yeah, I imagined that was the case. No problem!
Also, thank you very much for this addon, it helped me a lot on a new rig I’m making
Keep up with the great work!
First of all, thanks for giving us this cool plugin!!
Now I have would like to ask, Is it possible to select controls using rigui or is it for visibility control only?
Thank you for the reply. It would be nice if we can get the option to make ui only for selection or only visibility , toggle visiblity on double click. Something like that. For me its only missing this fucntionality.
Other than that, it is coming really handy.