I make a rig for an object and do the weightpainting, but when I move a bone from that rig, the bone is much further forward than the object deformed by the bone. An exaple of the problem is that if I move the bone at 10 meters, the weighted part of the object assigned to that bone has only moved 5 meters (for example) Please I need help. Sorry for my bad english.
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It sounds like that part of your object may have more weights on it than just those from the bone you’re moving. You can check it by going into edit mode, clicking a single vert in the affected are and checking the weights that are on it.
Thanks, but I have one last issue, the rig and the bones are good but when I try to rotate a bone that moves a specific part of my model, that part of the object is deformed in a strange way.
Can you link the file, or share some screenshots?
How is the key being deformed?
If it’s by bone, then it’s likely still a weight issue. I would weight the key 100% to whatever bone is deforming it and remove any weights from other bones and see if that fixes things.
If you’re using a shapekey driven by that bone, then does it return to normal shape by the time the key’s shape is at 100%? Shapekeys aren’t the best for rotations like that, since the verts take the most direct route from the base to the new shape, and rotations don’t.
It’s rotated by the bone only, and thank you so much.
It worked, the root bone had the weight of the object.