I have a figure that’s supposed to be sitting still but isn’t. In frame 461 the left knee is off to the left. In frame 462 the knee jumps toward the mid-line despite the dope sheet showing the thighFK.L remains in the same position until frame 640.
I’ve tried deleting and re-creating the keys.
I used Ctrl+C to copy the whole keyframe (maybe 400 bones), deleted the keyframe, then used Ctrl+V to paste the keyframe back in place. This seems to result in the continuous grey line between frames 461 and 640 going away. While both ends “work” the bone changes position in between/
I’ve tried keeping the setting at 461 and creating a new keyframe (instead of Ctrl+C or Shift+D) at 640. When I create both keys, the bone still moves toward the mid-line, then moves back out at 640.
I went back and tried again. Located the “problem” keys, copied them to buffer, deleted the keys, and pasted them right back in. After frames 460 to 640 stabilized, the problem moved back to 458. I had to delete & paste keys multiple times, back to about 430, but it’s now working.
Interesting that I did exactly the same thing yesterday and it didn’t work…
I am not familiar with this particular rig. I do see it has some kind of IK fK switch. But regardless of that setting. Open your Graph Editor and select the two FK bones in the left leg. They both have keyframes on 460 and 461 which are causing the pop.
I would suggest editing the animation in the Graph Editor to smooth it out and get what you want.
EDIT: Glad you got it sorted. But there was a key frame issue there for sure.