I’m fairly new to blender, so please excuse anything that would be considered common knowledge.
I have this character that I’ve been working on. I messed around with the legs and I’m not really sure what I did at one point, but now the bone orientations are all messed up and I don’t know how to fix them. Before, I was able to rotate this LegControl bone around the X axis to control the direction in which the leg bended, but I did something that messed up the axis or rotation origin of the bone, and I’m not sure what.
And when I try to extrude on the normals of the bones like I did before to create the LegControl bones, it no longer extrudes on the X axis in the same direction. I would include more images, but there’s a cap on new users preventing me from doing so.
First thing, I’d recommend using an octohedral display rather than a wire display, because that way, you can actually see what X+Z axes your bones have. You can’t see with wire.
You should also consider enabling the display of axes for your armature, but octohedral display is usually enough, and often easier to make sense of.
For setting the roll of bones-- that is, the direction that their Z axis points, and hence the direction that their X axis points-- I will generally use a recalculate roll operation, either from cursor or view axis. I can’t give you any guidance on how to match your other bones’ rolls, because I can’t tell what they are from your pics.
Ok, thank you, that does help visualize the problem a lot better. I can see now that the only leg that is correct is the highlighted one, while the others seem to have messed up rotations (X axis should be rotated to face cursor). I will try recalculating the roll
For something with radial symmetry like that, my most likely operation would be to plop a cursor down on the head and normalize roll to cursor. That would get all your +Z axes pointing toward the head.