Bones having no effect after opening file again

hey all, just wondering if anyone knows why a rig like this might break between closing the file and opening it again? the weights are still there (they look a little like they’ve been messed up a bit though) however the bones are not affecting them, the names haven’t changed, the hierarchy is the same, nothing has changed from when I saved and closed the file to opening it again. It is the same version, all addons are untouched, I closed blender, left, and opened blender to the same file again. re-parenting to the rig does nothing to solve it, and weight painting has no effect, the bones are completely non-functional.

I don’t know about the issue you mentioned.

Lastly, check the backup file you worked on.

Alternatively, there is an automatically generated XX.blender1 file. (You can delete 1 from XX.blender1 and change it to XX.blender to open it.)

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Can you upload the file?

Can’t really tell much from the video, but it looks like part of the chin and lower lip are moving, which shoots down my first thought. My first thought was to check the mesh’s armature modifier and make sure it’s still enabled, but the modifier has to be working since the lip & chin deform somewhat.

@oo_1942 advice is spot on! So check for an auto-save file - File → Recover → Autosave.

And let me explain this a bit

Say you are working on file ‘XX.blend’, every time you save it, the previous file you opened will be renamed ‘XX.blend1’. So if you save the file then open it again and find an error like yours, you can go back to the .blend1 file. However, if you save the corrupted again, then both files ‘XX.blend’ and ‘XX.blend1’ will both be corrupted.

You can also change the # of revision files in user prefs somewhere. At one point in time I remember blender saving ‘XX.blend1’ & ‘XX.blend2’.


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I’ve just made a new armature and re-skinned the character, so the issue isn’t happening anymore in the file, I’d already checked previous versions, it wasn’t happening in them but for how far back they were it was just easier to remake it.

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