Bones move entire mesh instead of justg weight painted parts

I have three bones for the neck and head. Each of them rotates the entire head instead of just the weight painted parts. On top of that the mesh gets deformed and the eyes/teeth inside the head don’t move at the same time…
This all happened after I messed with the weight painting of some bits and added shape keys. I don’t know what Exactly caused it. Can anyone help please? : /

I don’t know what caused it either, can you post a .blend file?


Yeah, here!Ag8-CUxdfcZukK9ZOu3XzOC3ysw4rg?e=BFdOSR

So I have looked at this file 4-5 times and I can’t find any easy answer to what the problems are. Really a lot of strange stuff going on in there. I hope you have saved files incrementally as you worked, so you can revert back to an older version before the problems started!

So here is what I mean by weird:
Rotate the head controller, and indeed everything moves:

So I searched for the head deform bone and I rotated it, giving me this:

The bottom of the neck isn’t moving like it does when the head controller is rotated. So I focused in on this problem, while seeing other problems.

Looking at some verts from the neck area and I see this:

That one vert is weighted to 8 different vertex groups. That is kinda sloppy weighting, I mean the back of the neck is weighted to a couple of eyebrow bones. Lemme guess, you used auto weighting?

And yes, I see the other problems, the eyes moving around and the teeth problems, but I didn’t look into that.

This is why I said I hope you save files incrementally as you work, so you can back up to a previous version if needed, because I think that’s what you need to do. It would probably be easier to go to a previous file that worked and then add back in your weight painting and shape keys than it would be to fix this.

Hopefully someone else will take a look…


Hi, your weights are not distributed properly, but also this head mesh is not suitable for rigging and animation it needs re topology to be able to animate the face rig. look for re topology tutorials.

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