Bonjour je suis un debutant souhaitant maitriser Blender

Debutant desireux de maitriser Blender aider moi s il vous plait merci

Google translate to the rescue

“Beginner wanting to master Blender help me please thank you”

If looking for paid courses look up cgcookie or on udemy if wanting to learn free then hit up Youtube and do searches for what you are looking at learning. Some better known tutorials to look for are by Gleb Alexandrov, Blenderguru, Tutor4u, and CG Geek just to name a few off the top of my head.

Additional note you might get better responses if you convert your native language to english as most all posts on this site are english based.

You might want to visit

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depend a quel niveau de connaissance avec blender !

commence par lire le Wiki de blender pour connaitres la base ou sont les differentes commandes et fonctions de blender

tu peux toujours poser des questions sur le forum ici and quelqu’un va essayer de t’aider

quel sont test conaissances generales en dessins 2D ou 3D
as-tu deja des connaissances en photography ou art ?

bonne chance

happy bl

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Dépendant de ta motivation l’approche va pas être la même. Est-ce que tu parles anglais déjà ?

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Thanks to you French speaking guys coming in. Mine is shamefully rusted. I can read most of it. But wouldn’t try to write anything. Hope it helps Kevin.

Kevin should tell us a bit more on what
he knows
need to learn
and what he wants to do
and also if he can read English or not at all

then we can try to help him

happy bl

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Yes, as I said. I can still read and understand French :wink:
Unfortunately only the written French. A shame, when I think about living next door to them.
Thanks anyways