did any one read the book “Blender 3D Architecture, Buildings, and Scenery:” can you please tell me what is the blender version that this book is using,. in chapter four of this book it is said it is possible to import dxf file into blender is it true ? please respond
It’s written for Blender 2.4x as it was published a couple of years ago. Regarding your second question I confirm that the book covers how to import dxf files (whatever that might be)
DXF import is quite good in 2.49 for 2-D entities like lines, splines and polylines. I’ve never had much luck with ACIS solids with the DXF importer, and when I have successfully brought them in (via STL) the mesh topology makes them somewhat worthless.
I did purchase and read the aforementioned book. It is a beginners book, 85% of it is stuff covered by the Blender Wiki (UI, mesh modelling, linking resources, materials). It would be a very good book for an architecture student just starting with Blender, everything is couched in terms of how it applies to architectural visualization. One of the things that was really helpful for me was his discussion of edge-loops. The discussion of DXF import that you mentioned is very short (1.5 pages).
The author’s blog is fantastic. I’ve been following it for years: