Book Series - Short video with textual reading for Audible sales - Blender 4.0

My new video/reading on the Jankin Decatur Sci-Fi series is now active.

What: Short advertising video for a Science Fiction Novel series.
Tools: Blender 4.02 and MPFB ver. 2.0-a4 (Feb. 2024)
Render Engine: EVEE
Artist: Terrence Zavecz - TEA Systems Corp
Author: Philip Nolen

Most book videos are simply animated slide shows. We wanted to bring something more to communicate with our customers what the series is about, the author’s vision of his universe, the sounds they would encounter in the Audible editions. Most of all, we were able to easily provide links to where they can be purchased.

Blender 4 was used to create this video-assisted reading from “Quantum Surge” and highlights all books of the series and at the same time provides excerpts from the Audible format to potential customers.

We used Blender 4 to create the ‘Wraith’ fighters, the colony planet Kraken, the frigate (KSS Alfred), it’s interior rooms, and the universe they exist in.

Readings by C.J. McAllister and Terrence Zavecz.

The models used in this short video are currently also being applied to create a more extensive video, using the Books of the audible library for voiceover, for a longer movie complete with Makehuman characters. Expected completion Spring 2024.

Books are Available from Amazon and Audible.
