Bookmarking DOPESHEETS like in Maya

Hi I have alot of different road objects to animate so I select all the road layers that have animatable properties and they display in my dopesheet to play around and move as a group if i like. Once i move on to another part like street lamps to animate, if i want to get back to my roads animation I have to reselect all the animatable properties again to tweak the timing. Is there a way in Blender to bookmark the roads selection in the dopesheet, so i can quickly access that bookmark selection like you can in MAYA?

I hope I am explaining this correctly to interpret let me know if more info is needed.


Judging by your description you are working with objects so selection sets won’t be your solution.

You can create groups though by selecting your objects and pressing Ctrl+G (under the hood this is just a collection) and make sure to name that collection in the redo panel.
Then to select that group press Shift+G and select “Collection”, then click the collection you created

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Ah, never thought of using collections, cheers that will work for sure. thanks again