Boolean not working properly on mesh

the hair and the skirt are intersecting each other so I am trying to use boolean to cut away either a part of the skirt, or hair so I can 3D print it and just glue upper body with hair on top of it. But it just won’t work either way? I recalculated the normals, unsubdivided the best and applied all transforms. When I select self intersect on the skirt, blender crashes. When I select it on the hair, nothing happens. Whats wrong? I would be very thankful for some help


You need to block the gaping area.

This is because some problematic meshes are not in good condition.
I don’t know if this can be sorted out by remesh.

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Boolean operator won’t work properly if the intersecting faces/objects are non-manifold, and i don’t think 3d printer would accept a non-manifold meshes either.

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I have a lot of trouble with booleans in blender for 3D printing, but more often than not, prusa slicer’s automatic fixing of the mesh works well. Even if I have nonmanifold mesh, it usually knows what I want unless I have a very complicated model. You can try slicing it in the most recent version of prusa slicer, and use supports to print the model in one piece.