Boolean smoothing issue on cylinder

Hi guy’s,

This is a problem i was also facing in 3ds max so i just want to know if there is a way to handle it easier since in 3ds max i was able to move the normal handle to adjust them but in blender i tried all the normals option in the panel and nothing can help me fixing it.

I also tried edge split with autosmooth enable without success.

Just tried the data transfer modifier technique and it’s still give me different smoothing issues.

I know how to copy a hole and make it a cylindrical array but it is a lot more work so i was looking for the fastest way to do it in blender.

Without seeing the mesh, I would say that you require some supporting edges around the newly booleaned recesses. Smoothing also has to be set on the cutting tool so the info transferrs to the target object. I can’t see your modifier stack or the geometry very well to make an accurate assessment though.

The circular array may be more work, but the payoff at the end might be worth it, abd you would only have to do it for one of the recesses.

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Have you tried the Weighted Normal modifier?

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The best thing is always to have good geometry; I don’t know how you got that cylinder but clearly there are problems.
I would try to model a single longitudinal section and then duplicate it circularly through an array, either with a curve modifier, or by rotating around an Empty object.
The former option should give a better rounded result starting from a flat section.

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Hi ajm and thank for the reply, i put 2 edges at both extremity but maybe putting them even closer to the cutting operand would help.

I was using the fast carve addon but thank for the tip regarding smooth option in boolean panel and i agree that to get it perfectly would require an array.

Yep i tried but didn’t fix it and i also think that the cutting shape geometry was not optimal so i will remodel it and see if the result are better.

Yes that seem like the best choice so far but i will still do a few test just for learning purpose.

If your boolean located on flat face instead of edge results are bit better:

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Look really good but problem is i cannot have all of them on face, some goes on edges because of the number of slut require. I could also try to adjust the cylinder resolution but it’s a lot of guess work!

The Array/Curve method gives a pretty good result to me.

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I highly recommend buying / downloading from github WonderMesh addon, being able to adjust primitives after moving / deselecting them is just so liberating. There is 2.8 version now too.

I use Bsmax addon it got plenty of primitives that come with parameters and you can draw any primitives on the screen where you want just like in 3ds max and it’s free. Nasser is doing an amazing job and he deserved more attention for his work. You also get a great align, clone, rename tool etc.

While experimenting i discover that an object who had a shrink wrap modifier applied to it doesn’t work in boolean, it’s still retain the original elevation of the vertices.

To make sure i just remesh the object and then as expected the boolean operation work.

Nice to know.