A fake Nintendo Switch with terrible Joy-Cons. I don’t know how to use it.
You can see more of my work on my instagram:
A fake Nintendo Switch with terrible Joy-Cons. I don’t know how to use it.
You can see more of my work on my instagram:
Amazing work with textures and light. Great job!
Joy cons look the same quality as real ones
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
Looks Terrible.
This image basically represents what it feels like to go back to my OG 2017 Switch hardware after playing games on my Steam Deck instead for a while. The Switch gets a lot of great first-party games and retro collections, but I still can’t stand how flimsy Nintendo made the hardware and Joy-Cons.
The tape is very realistic as are those cracks in the glass! Did you have to pull any special tricks to make it look that good?
Incredible textures and lighting!
I tried to convey in this work the pain in my wrists after long hours of using Joy-Cons
Thanks! No special tricks here, but I used a Substance painter for texturing and a some of sculpting for the folds on the tape. I also used Cell Fracture addon to create the cracks.
hahaha! THAT detail of “The Zelda 2” XDDD
You sure succeeded!