Botanical Retreat

Recent scene I’ve build with newly obtained assets from Maxtree and Quixel. Had to rework the vegatation to get all the translucency right, but I think it did work out in the end. I’ll hopefully add more shots later on!

EDIT: I’ve uploaded a new lighting scenario. Let me know which one is your favourite!
EDIT 2: One more lighting scenario added!


Nice scene! Rendering is great, and the materials are awesome.

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Thank you!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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I like how the background light draws the eye through the foreground that frames it. Nice work!

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Awesome, thanks Bart!

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Glad you like it! This was exactly my goal when setting up the lighting of this scene, so I’m glad it worked out.

Great! :+1:

Awesome work! Can you send a shot of the node of translucent shader that you re-worked for the vegetation?

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Thanks! This is an example of one of the plants:

It is just mixing the Princippled BSDF with a Translucent shader, controlling the amount of translucency with the mixing factor. Hope this helps!


Big thanks =D

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amazing render. so beautiful.

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