I would like to use a python script to bake out a very large number of Ocean Surface displacement maps for use in another program. I thought it would be fairly easy to simply loop over a function that pulls in some preset values and calls the function bpy.ops.object.ocean_bake(modifier="Ocean"), but I am getting some very inconsistent results. The below example assumes a plane with the Ocean modifier is already selected:
import bpy
import os
from pathlib import Path
def bake_ocean(ii):
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Ocean"].wind_velocity = 6
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Ocean"].foam_coverage = 0.01
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Ocean"].frame_end = 1
bakepath = Path("path_to_file_Test{}".format(ii))
bakepath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Ocean"].filepath = str(bakepath)
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Ocean"].spectrum = "PIERSON_MOSKOWITZ"
bpy.context.object.modifiers["Ocean"].use_foam = False
for ii in range(0, 4):
When I run this bit of code, I will get four sub-folders numbered 0 - 3. Of these, usually only the first and last folder will have any output. I have toyed around with timers and a function that checks whether the displacement map file has been created, but the details of such an implementation are a bit beyond me. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I could get this to work? A simple workaround would be to repeatedly generate a single surface at a time and call blender in a loop via command line, but it would be neater to do that loop within blender.
Add a loop after ocean_bake that will ensure cache files are created (if it’s an empty folder then just check it until it has n files) and only then proceed to the next folder.
Set up a timer that will check in n secs that files were created
If they’re not set up another timer to check it again
If they are run next iteration
The idea is that then bake won’t be stuck inside 1 Python script and Blender will be able to function between the times timer is triggered and perhaps it will be update something to fix the baking process.