Breakdowner tool in POSE mode

Hello friends. Does anyone know how to use the “breakdowner” tool? It looks useful from the POSE menu, as mentioned in the guide, but nothing else. So, what’s this useful for?


The breakdowner is a really powerful animation tool similar to a popular Maya addon called “tween machine.” It allows you to create smooth inbetween poses with a simple slider. Basically let’s say you have an animated character with 2 keyposes and you want to create an inbetween pose. Start by selecting an UNKEYED frame that is between two keyframes. Then, select all the controllers you wish to inbetween (i usually just select all the controls on my character). Than select the breakdowner and click and start dragging left or right. A properties box should also appear upon release of the mouse button for more precision. It will automatically keyframe your character with a pose somewhere between the previous and following poses. The sliders give you control over which keyframe is favored. This is great for holding poses or overshooting poses. Anyway, I hope this helps. :blue_heart:

Thanks. I really don’t see how this is useful. Seems this is a carried legacy tool. Because when you want to do a hold you copy paste in/out pose keyframe and scroll up to the point you need to “break down” the pose, then I-O. That’s quicker and visually faster than 4 point and click factors. And it’s a 3 vs 4 clicks simply because “O” is a must on LOC/ROT keyframe. Else with a simple keybind, that could be instantly set to something like “O” when animating in viewport.