Breakfast Set A

Much to the dismay of Pasta Purists, “Macaroni with Ham” is a staple of breakfast menus in Hong Kong - usually listed as “Set A”.

I made this purely out of some odd sentiment.

The portable game was an afterthought, but I guess it deserves it’s own spectacle :sunglasses:

Some wires for those who care.

Figuring out the toast texture was an interesting exercise, analyzing what makes toast look like toast :smiley:

Other related works:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks, a welcome surprise to the weekend!

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Probably the only thing I’d do is to decorate the plates a little bit. Or, make them some color other than “white.”

Thanks for stopping by!

Not trying to defend the lack of colour choices, the project was a (self-indulgent) nostalgic memory of the franchised “cafes” in HK.
Where you’d order and pay, get a ticket, then collect your meal from a literal conveyor belt serving line.

The most famous brands being Cafe de Coral and Fairwood Cafe.

yeah, and if the guy on duty didn’t like you, your serving would likely be much smaller… :smiley: