Mhh…it’s an interesting character…and a good sample of use
of Fiber Generator…fine!
I tried it and that just doesn’t works
It returns the following message in the Blender board :
Ripsting’s Fiber generator running …
expected 784 faces .
Mesh exists
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 430, in ?
AttributeError: ‘None’ object has no attribute ‘verts’
I wish i could have beautifuly haired girls and hairy guys in my scenes !
Need help please …
I wish i could have beautifuly haired girls and hairy guys in my scenes !
and what about Furry girls?
I’m starting to get some results with this script… once physics are in, well it sould be a great piece of program… the thing is, how to get physics into it… [Innocent Smiley]
Nice work anyway
Having a little problem running the script:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 87, in ?
ImportError: No module named dynoise
I tried it with Python 2.0.1 and 2.2.
The default directory for python scripts is correct in B.
any suggestions?
HOLY CR*P! cool man!
check it out, my sully fur:
just a tip for everybody, you need to put the dynoise module (dynoise.dll and in your blender directory. download the module here:
Now that’s what I’m talk’n about!
Gimme a Head with Hair! (HAIR)
Long beautiful Hair! (HAIR)
Thanks RipSting!
And thanks for the tip Goofster!
Now I wonder what it would take to do chars. like the bunny and hampster from the Block Buster commercials?
Haha…it’s a tribble! I really looks…furry!
Haha…it’s a tribble! It really looks…furry![/quote]
Superb Ripstring very well done and thanks for this awesome script!!!
You must have changed the pic, Goofster? Well 1 thing I want to point out when rendering animations with textures- Since the mesh’s origin is currently always at (0,0,0), you should use sticky co-ordinates for any kind of texturing. Otherwise the texture will stay in the same place while the mesh moves around. Some quick instructions on doing this:
- Run the fiber generator normall 1 time.
- Apply a material and texture to the newly created fibers
- Make each texture for the material use sticky coordinates (instead of orco)
- Go into the edit buttons (F9) and click the brown “make” button next to the word “sticky”. Do this for every fiber mesh.
- Re-select your base meshes
- Enter “Fiber” or “FiberWind” into the FrameChanged property under the script buttons
- Render the animation.
Hope this helps!
Here’s an idea that will take this concept to the next level:
Include the ability to tie a group of fibers to a guide mesh that will define the shape of the resultant fiber. Combining several of these, you could get a head of hair that follows more natural contours, rather than the ‘sprouted’ look that seems to be commonplace now. This is not to trivialize Ripsting’s effort - it’s a great script - but to take a good idea make it better and more useful.
Include the ability to tie a group of fibers to a guide mesh that will define the shape of the resultant fiber.
This is what Maya does and I would really like to be able to impliment it into my script. I don’t know if it’s possible right now or not. But what Maya does:
You draw curves and the hair follows a weighted model of them. The curves are usually then processed by the cloth engine so that the hair can appear to react to gravity and it has built-in collision detection. It would be awesome to be able to do this in blender, I agree. Using nurbs curves would be the most user-friendly way, but I don’t think you can access curve data through python? I’ll see if there’s a way to do this with single strands of a mesh though.
I’d probably have to write a strand simulator that could make the strands behave like cloth/hair. I’m not about to write a full-blown cloth simulator though! Ack I don’t even want to think about collision detection, but I’m sure it would be needed…
The current fiber script is aimed more at the creation of grass and fur, but hair is possible with a certain amount of tweaking and painting.
Back to playing…
Thanks for responding. That would be quite cool : )
Say, I’ve been experimenting with your script, and have a few questions.
- If in addition to the initial mesh, I create a subdivided cube, assign it the Blue material, vertex paint using red/yellow, what might cause the script to say that it expected 0 faces? It seems to run normally otherwise.
But in another example, after deleting the intial mesh, creating an isosphere, assigning it the Blue material, and then painting it, it gives the following error:
RibSting’s fiber generator running…
expected 0 faces.
Mesh exists
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “Fiber”, line 499, in ?
TypeError: argument 1: expected NMesh, None found
I’ve been looking at the code- I think I’ve found the lines where the faces are calculated, but I’m not yet sure why it’s coming up with this result.
- If I create delete the initial object, create a new one (say an icosphere), assign it the Blue texture, vertex paint using red/green, what might cause the script to say that it expected 0 faces? It seems to run normally otherwise.
The density relates to 1 blender unit. So if you made a default plane (Which is 2x2 blender units) and you set the density to 5, you’d end up with 20 fibers. The area routine calculates the area of each face individually. When it reports that you’ll get 0 faces, this means that your density is not high enough to create a single fiber per face. You can either increase the density, or run Blender’s decimator on the base mesh to increase the size of each face.
But other time, after running the script, (right after deleting the initial mesh, replacing it with a mesh sphere, and then painting it, it gives the following error:
RibSting’s fiber generator running…
expected 0 faces.
Mesh exists
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “Fiber”, line 499, in ?
TypeError: argument 1: expected NMesh, None found
Make sure you’ve downloaded the latest version of my script from A previous version did not determine if you had selected a new base mesh or not. As you can see from the line that says “Mesh exists”, it’s thinking that fibers have already been generated from the sphere so it’s trying to reload them. You can also reset the script by changing the density or segments to a different value.
excuse my ignorance and over-simplification of the subject, but i just thought of a possibility. a bezier curve is simply four points, right? two roots and two weights. a messy hack could maybe be applied using a 4 point line of polys, outputting to a function that processes the shape of the strand. i have the equation for bezier curves written down somewhere, though it wouldn’t be too hard for someone else to find.
i’m sure this isn’t possible, but there’s no use in keeping these thoughts to myself because i certainly won’t do anything about it. maybe by spouting out this crap i can give someone else a little inspiration.
oh, and by the way, that whole thing about using vertex colours to pass values to a script –> i thought of it months ago, but theeth said it couldn’t be done! oh well…
sorry for my ramblings, i’ve had a few beers :o
Any chance of BlenderChar getting hold of a turorial on this feature. Seems a good central location for future learners (including me).
intresting. I must agree that the hairs are having a “sprouted” look. Also, the grass stuff is flat. Also, what happens when you want a lot of it? Will it quickly exceed the vertex limit or will it start breaking up the meshes.?
Sweet, Sweeter, and Sweet, love the plugin especially because I’ve been wanting to do grass but my current particle systems look good, but not real. :-?
But, this may sound kinda stupid but IT DOESN’T WORK!! I have the Blender creator v 2.23 (think thats it) for Linux with python 2.2 -105 (again think that’s the right version) and when I hit the alt-p to start the script nothing happens!!! if anyone could help I’d be abliged . Sorry about this but I really want this script to work ITS SO COOL!
Also, what happens when you want a lot of it? Will it quickly exceed the vertex limit or will it start breaking up the meshes.?
My script will automatically generate multiple meshes to keep from going over the vertex limit. It’s really not anything you should have to worry about.
Also, the grass stuff is flat.
…So do some vertex painting with greens to make it more uneven! Green vertex paint affects the fibers’ length!
And The_Enigma: It would help if you told us what was displayed in the console window (the second window that opens up with blender). It gives useful debugging info.
Ok…I got it to work. I was able to make a giant furrball with over 30,000 faces. It’s relatively fast, too.