Brick texture size variations


I’m trying to find a way of creating a brick wall for a building where each brick is different. I understand how to add colour/bump variation using the brick texture node but I really want to be able to create a texture where the bricks also vary in size, likely using a random value or noise input.

Is this possible with the brick texture node?

I’ve tried using image textures but the issue is that the tiling is very obvious on large surfaces such as external building walls). Some of the known methods of avoiding this such as rotating each tille, adding colour variations work on texture such as grass but for brick the result isn’t what I’m looking for. Possibly a limitation of my knowledge at this point!

Thanks in advance!

It’s not possible with the brick texture node, you have to set it up manually. Feel free to correct me, but I do believe Erindale on youtube touched on random widths in one of his shader tutorials way back when. Random sized bricks? Not sure how I’d even approach that - most likely give up and rely on external texture creator to create grout and random colors needed then do the rest with nodes; you could shift the “hue lookup” per instance of the texture which would give some random appearance even if the brick cutout repeats, making the repeats harder to spot.

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Maybe random isn’t the best term - the appearance I have in mind is that of a stone wall, where the bricks are naturally different sizes rather than typical house bricks.

The other thought I had was using geometry nodes but maybe that would be a bit overkill.

With bricks you’re typically limited to long side or short side if holed, and can be done with nodes manually but not brick node. If you start rotating them (not holed) making them stand tall, I wouldn’t have a clue where to start. I probably won’t be able to, or have time to, experiment, but a good example of what you’re looking for would be beneficial for those who do.

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There are many tutorials on YT…

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It’s similar to this pattern, but done procedurally

@RSEhlers I’ve been through the default cube tutorial but will look at the others.

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