Hello dears ! How to get rid of bugs? I’m Using bridge edge loops version 2.79.5
By finding and fixing it in the Blender source, and committing the code for review. Or by
- not assuming it’s a bug
- providing other users full inteface screenshots and a test .blend file instead of cropshots
- once tested on multiple systems based on the test file, like bug reporting instructions say, then post a bug report on the tracker
- provide other users with the link to the report so they have the chance to add their findings to it
- wait for developers to review and either act or comment on the report
- once it’s reviewed and the report status says it’s a bug, then it’s a bug
Files either here on the forum, or alternatively http://pasteall.org/blend/
Bridge edge loops has worked like that in many previous versions. Workaround is to (adding to Richard’s suggestion):
- sort mesh elements based on the 3d cursor distance and then bridge
- fill the circle first, bridge, and then remove
- not use workflow like that, instead inset the four original faces and organize the vertices on a circle
- F, Bridge edge loops
- Fill (Alt+F), Tris to quads
- Looptools > Bridge