Brush to remove any scultping when using multires?

Hi there

I never really used the sculpting tool a lot and am curious if there is a brush which could remove any applied brush sculpting so you end up with the original surface when using a multires modifier.

when you apply a 3d pattern with the anchored brush and stretch it over the complete surface it is difficult by hand to flatten the edges perfectly again.

In case this brush tool does not exist maybe it this could an addition to the current tool set.

There is not currently such a brush, interesting idea though. In this case you can probably achieve similar results with the flatten and smooth brushes.

Hi Nicholas,

I thought so too. You can remove details with flatten and smooth but it is quite a task to hit the base mesh right when the surface is mainly flat.

You’ll only be able to do this by applying the multires modifier and then selectively projecting back onto a duplicate of your base mesh.

That for sure would be a way but defeat the idea of using the multires modifier to keep the actual mesh density low and easy to work with. But well it is an idea for doing the rendering.

As you can see it is a low polygon model and a level 5 subdivision still produces a rather blocky look. So to get nice and smooth results I would need to add more subdivision and when I bake that the mesh might be quite dense.

But even with having a level 5 applied and adding 2 more subdivision the coarseness is still there. any tip how to maybe make this smooth from the beginning? Or this is rather a case for local subdivision sculpting adding the needed detail where needed?

It may well be texture resolution related too. Besides these look suspiciouly close to texels.

If we had sculpting layers we could store a morph target and it would be simple to brush away changes.

Agree. All the really useful stuff is not available in blender sculpting.

m9105826 yep like blend layers in photoshop but here for affecting sculpting.

Psy-Fi yes the image shows flat shaded not smooth shaded to emphasis geometry issue. I tried even high res images 3000x3000 but it does not change. I think the main issue is simply that the mesh is not dense enough.

I could in crease the multires subdivision incase it would not slow down Blender to slow motion. So its not an option on my side.

If you’re using a b+w image for the sculpting have you tried giving it a little blur

Richard duh good idea that fixes it a little. You loose detail as well but as it looks without dynamic subdivision of the mesh when more detail is needed you cannot get the detail anyway.

Thanks for the tip.

For the model border avoidance when applying that custom brush, i think this could be a perfect work for the mask tool, as you could then force some part of the model to not be affected by the brush.

Nicholas Bishop is working on porting it from his founded job, maybe it will be in 2.64, but meanwhile there are some builds (not up to date, but they’re available) on graphicall

Another thing you might try is using 16-bit images as your alphas. I had a really bad problem with both displacements and bump/sculpt painting in Blender before I started using higher quality alphas. It’s not a problem I had in other sculpting packages, so I don’t know what the issue is in Blender, but using 16-bit images is a temporary fix.

As Sanctuary noted, the mask tools would indeed help with keeping borders unedited.

In this particular case, I suspect it’d be easier to skip sculpting and just UV map the bottom and apply a normal or displacement texture for the pattern.

@m9105826 , right +1
16 or 32 bit images is the best choice for displacement. Avoid 8 bit images.
It’s a displacement, right?

i think in zbrush its called the morph brush. you paint and remove the sculpted shape.


I personally often work with UV map displacement. However they only work well in Blender when you have also an evenly subdivided mesh. Areas with smaller faces will show a different displacement pattern then bigger faces. This for example will be an issue with the sole edge were more loop cuts are to sharpen the edge.

Now if there is a something I miss and I am wrong please correct me.