If it’s just a Name Error can someone tell how to defined it? I’ve see that so many people have ask the same question I assume I would have to ask someone that knows python.
Unfortunately can not answer right now. PC at hands has XP and 2.77 is useless therefor. I’ll try to check later today but i’m not that much of programmer…
From the image of the error message i see 2.77 has VERT and SEGMENT. Probably depends in what context it is being called - there are 3 lines “bpy.ops.curve.delete”.
I was checking 2.77 zip on archive page - this could be ‘official’ one.
…I have Blender 2.77, 2016-03-30 21:39, hash: 01ce8d8 from buildbot. I don’t see any errors creating mesh from GP strokes or Curves if i use Edit Strokes. GP-named things got deleted properly after surface is added.
On today’s build from buildbot (downloaded minutes ago) - no errors.
What should i check, when does error happen to you?