Bsurfaces GPL Edition

Update addon to Blender 2.80
Redesign. Fixing some problem.

Download here:

Bsurfaces is a modeling and repopology tool which combines the use of freehand strokes, annotation, bezier curves, or loose edges to generate polygonal surfaces. It can be included in a traditional polygonal and subdivision modeling workflow, speeding it up substantially. Bsurfaces is a Blender addon, it can be used to build both open and closed shapes, extrude selections, bridge between two sections, having full control over the shape, direction, and twisting of the final surfaces. The output is a clean topology composed of quadrilateral faces. Triangles are also possible when building surfaces using crossing strokes. The different options can be modified interactively, allowing the artist to see how they affect the resulting surfaces in real-time.

This addon is included in the official Blender build.

I was porting this addon and am currently supporting it.

Many thanks to everyone who helps with testing this wonderful addon. And many thanks to everyone who gives new ideas.


Thank a lot for this essential addon!

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Thank you!!!

Should Stroke Placement be on “Surface” by default when Initialize? What about Snap default options for retopo BSurfaceMesh in Edit mode when initialize?

I can not find a way to work only in Edit Mode with the BSurfaceMesh. I have to select GPencil, draw the stroke in Draw mode, then select the retopo BSurfaceMesh object and in Edit mode Add surface, exit again to select GPencil, enter Draw mode to make a new stroke, and so on…

Sorry if I’m doing something wrong or this is still work in progress.

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I added stroke placement be on “Surface” by default when Initialize.

GPencil now (in Blender 2.80) is a separated object.
Already there is no possibility of editing GPencil in mesh editing mode.
If this does not change, you have to constantly switch from BSurfaceMesh to GPencil and back.
I was just able to simplify this and added the ‘Add Surface’ and ‘Add Strokes’ buttons.

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Added this news here to collect suggestions and possibly new ideas.

You could add settings for bsurface segments before the operation.

Hmm, not being able to constantly stay in Edit mode is a step back in the workflow speed compared to 2.79.

@William, I remember you having said that there are plans for a good Retopo workflow for Blender in 2.8x. Do you have any idea how this could be improved? Maybe by using in some way Annotate Tool instead of GP strokes?

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Yes, I can use the Annotate Tool. But I do not see in it drawing on the surface.

Select annotate tool and in Properties Editor, in the Active Tools settings tab (first tab) there are Placement options.
Anyway, I would prefer that users more advanced than me in retopology things should give their opinion about whether or not it is appropriate.

Apparently the mesh is transparent to Annotate tool strokes. I’m not sure how it could affect the workflow.

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Would be awesome to see some tutorial how it works. For now I can not to handle this and no Idea how to work with this - permanent errors and it convert my whole mesh to primitives instead to add surfaces…

I also have some errors or crashes. This is the basics, I suppose:

I think definitely this would be more similar to 2.79 if we could use Annotate tool.
For those who can not install the addon shown in first message, you must first manually delete the file in addons Blender folder that you downloaded from buildbot builds.

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Thank you so much for the video. I am working on introducing the Annotation tool.


What I did wrong?

Another addon may interfere during operation and throws off the focus.

Try to add a line.
bpy.ops.object.select_all (‘INVOKE_REGION_WIN’, action = ‘DESELECT’)
before the 3443 line in the addon.

There should be such a piece of code:
bpy.ops.object.select_all (‘INVOKE_REGION_WIN’, action = ‘DESELECT’)
bpy.ops.object.gpencil_add (radius = 1.0, view_align = False, location = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), rotation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), type = ‘EMPTY’)

You can also ignore this error. Select objects in the add-on window in the Retopology = “BSurfaceMesh” field and in Strokes = “GPencil” and continue working.

I try add a line but not work addon. line error
And select in a dropdow “BsurfaceMessh and GP Strokes” fine.

Have you tried with the latest 2.8 version from buildbot builds?
Maybe you should try with default settings. With Blender closed, by renaming your “2.80” USER folder:
and then installing the addon.

Addon updated.
Added “annotations” as guide strokes.


Amazing! Thank you!

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Now works very well. Thank you.

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Could you add an option to the mirroring application?

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