Cant find a place to post a bug report so putting it here.Last few days have been very frustating trying to join a body and head while keepeing the seperate uv;s. Finally found out the cause. When i ry join any fbx to the blender body it does not work but if i convert the head to a obj file then it works .Tested with numerous heads and fails allways with fbx but works with converted obj. Seems like a bug to me??
jointest.blend (4.48 MB)
The file contains a body(blend) and a fbx and converted obj mesh of the head. The obj head is on the right. Try join each head and you can see the bug in action.
The body has a UV map named “UVMap” and so does the head on the right, but the head that isn’t decapitated has a UV map named “UVTex” so are you really sure that your problems aren’t a result of the names?
Well when i tried the fbx with the same name it was even worse (IT LOOKED RIGHT IN BLENDER BUT WAS BROKEN IN UNITY). I renamed the obj head and it failed then i renamed it the exact same name(UVMAP) and it failed lol how does renaming something the exact same name cause it to fail where before it suceeded. Ps tried the same experiment with a makehuman model it faild with the fbx and obj files.
I don;t know what is going on afbx always fails for me but the converted obj works. Changing the object uv maps name in any way even to the exact same name causes it to fail . Enough to drive one insane.
Changing UVTex to UVMap and joining the meshes causes the texture to stay intact in blender so I’m going to assume that unity isn’t handling the materials the same way as blender, you should stop wasting your time and just merge the UV maps/textures/materials so things function as they should.
I t works with the object file long as the uvname is not touched. I don’t know how to get it everything merged could you maybe do so with the example file and post it?
Can’t find a place to file a bug report, huh?
and seeing as how this isn’t a discussion of Blender specifically, or CG more generally, perhaps you could look a little harder for the right place to post a thread. maybe somewhere like here:
Please try to keep this community nice. If you want help, ask for help in the appropriate location, don’t clutter up unrelated forums, especially when you are unwilling to put in the effort to properly diagnose your problems.
If you bothered to look you would find my posts dealing with this issue in those forum threads as for not bothering you will see by the dates that this is a week long issue ii have been trying to get working so your post is both rude and uninformed. I posted as a bug so that someone else might get saved hours of wasted time. Thx for the link should be a bug report site on the forum though did moot think the application itself would have one:p Ps If your reading comprehension was better you would note that in my post I already found the solution (change fbx to obj) but it is just not a very good solution gand does not seem to work with makehuman meshes for instance .
if you bothered to look, you would have found where to post a bug report. The fact that you start your post with “Cant find a place to post a bug report so putting it here” reveals a lot about your personality. Where did you look to file a bug report? how did you determine it was impossible to find? Just try a tiny bit and your life will improve significantly. The blender bug tracker is not hard to find. at all. In fact, it’s the very first google result when you search “blender bug report”. Every single result on the first page of results is either a direct link to the bug tracker, or a tutorial on how to use it. until you get to the 10th result, which is this very thread. So it’s a good thing that I posted some useful information on the question you asked.
If you just wanted someone to stitch a head on a body, post it on the volunteer work section. Judging by post #5 and the patent unbelievability of you not being able to find out how to file a bug report, this is what I have to assume you really wanted. If your thread was entitled “will someone please do this thing for me” you wouldn’t be bothered with my presence. But you wanted to know how to file a bug. So I told you, since it was so difficult for you to do by yourself.
Simply put, the developers do not have time to wade through the hundreds of posts made on BA on a daily basis so they can stumble on bug reports containing enough detail to help them find a fix.
Posting on developer.blender.org’s bugtracker helps the developers greatly by having everything that needs their attention in one place. The only reason you would make a bug thread on BA is if you’re unsure about whether it’s a bug or not.
Yea I am not sure if it is a bug seems like it is to me but I could just be making a fundamental error or missing the actual solution. Not so clue’s up with blender
It might be a bug, but the only way to know for sure would be to actually report it using the bug tracker (as already indicated earlier in this thread). Worst case, your report gets filed as “not a bug”… but then you know. And it seems you’ve got a passable workaround for the time being if that happens. Best case, your report gets recognized as a bug and it gets fixed.
It all starts with creating a proper report, though.