Bugatti Veyron WIP (56k/Modem WARNING!)

I think I’ve got it somewhat downpact as a model (I think it just needs an interior and better headlights), but I can’t figure out how to render it properly. Between lighting, texturing, and rendering I can’t make heads or tales about making it look right.

First test :

Darker look :

Hot wheels :

Any info’d be much appreciated.

EDIT NOTE : Resized for board comfort.

the red looks the best althouhg i think they all look very cartoonish

model looks good, and the red definatly looks the best, but there is something wrong with the textures. i’ld have a play around, and see if you can get it any better.


Update :
Close-Up :

That does look better. What did you render in? Also, are the artifacts from the render, or due to the image being shrunk?


Due to the render. I’m using Full GI in Yafray. No clue what’s causing it. Is there an option designed specifically to minimize those artifacts.

In fact, there were annoying artifacts on the DOOR, but I brushed them out using a previous render that was identical in that region.

btw, apologies to anyone who’re getting their png files taken over by the Quicktime plugin.

Edit : Screw it, here’s links to the full size versions :
Front Back

Once again, any info on decreasing GI artifacts would be greatly appreciated.

Edit 2 : It seems they dissappear when I remove the HDRI probe… hmmm…

Wow, I forgot a made a version with fewer artifacts.